With so many of us facing several weeks out of school right now, I wanted to do something to offer you a little relief! This at-home learning situation looks so different from school to school. Some districts are taking control of what the schooling is going to look like, while others are letting each individual teacher decide what distance learning will look like for them.
No matter where you sit on the spectrum, the thread that is binding us all together right now is that the parents are shouldering most of the responsibility of making sure that kids are logging in on time, doing the work assigned to them, and helping them when they get stuck. One thing that can help our families in such an unprecedented time, is providing them with projects!
- require deeper application of skills
- can be done over and over again, and get a different end result each time
- are hands on, and therefore can be more engaging
For these reasons, projects can be a life saver when it comes to keeping kids busy, but working independently! I have a summer project calendar that I have offered in the past, because the summer months tend to be a time when parents are scrambling to keep their kids busy, keep their math skills sharp, and inspire creativity. We never could have predicted that we would all be living out that summertime schedule at home for all of the spring, as well, but here we are...and I want to help!
I took my FREE Summer Project Calendar and shifted it to be something that you can use right now for the coming weeks of distance learning. Eight weeks of project ideas are included, with each day of the project’s work mapped out for you!
These projects can be adapted to use materials you already have in your house, and done with just family members...or with classmates, digitally! Teachers can send these calendars home to parents in packets or via email, or take the ideas from this menu and work into their lesson plans. I’m hoping that this versatile menu can help fill a need for teachers and parents everywhere as we all do our best to navigate this trying time!
If you're in the market for more Project-Based-Learning fun for your 2nd-3rd graders, check out the other PBLs in my store! You can find a topic for every kid in your class, and keep the learning fun going on for weeks at a time!