How to Integrate Math into Valentines Day

If you're like me, you love throwing seasonal activities into your busy days! It makes everything a little more fun and engaging. I've always created Valentines mailboxes (or bags!) with my students in the classroom. I know the kids L-O-V-E having cute mailboxes to drop their valentines into. I also know it's so hard to find time for things like this because there's always curriculum to hit. I've got a few ways to mix the two for you, so you don't have to cringe and hide behind your desk if your principal walks in while you are making Valentines bags. ;)

Aren't these the cutest?! They're also no-prep Valentines mailboxes - just print the pieces off and you're ready!

Adding MATH to Valentines Day mailboxes:

Students get to "shop" for the pieces to create their monster. AND, let me make it even better for you...these menus are differentiated! The menus look identical except for the prices. This is a perfect way to meet the levels of all of your students.

One set uses simple two digit numbers, and the other uses three digit numbers (ex: $1.25). If neither of those options work for you, there is an EDITABLE menu included...perfect for customizing it just for your students.

You can differentiate it even further by providing different budgets for your students to follow. They will have a blast getting to shop for their monster parts.

If you're looking to "amp up" the math even more - you could give students money manipulatives and they can count out the exact change they'll need as they purchase the parts. I like to have them all laid out on my small group table. Students can even take turns being the shop owner. They will LOVE this and won't even realize all of the math skills they're practicing.

That's it! It's simple and fun, but it's great practice for students as they decorate their Valentines bags. I promise they won't even notice all of the math they're doing!! You can find this set HERE!

Monster valentine mailbox

How else do you incorporate Valentines Day with the standards you have to hit?

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How to integrate math while making valentines mailboxes and bags!! This is the cutest activity!!