Project Based Learning: Plan a Snowman's Vacation

It's that time of year when students are getting antsy and a little *too* comfortable in your classroom. They tend to start slacking a bit here and there, and maybe complain about being bored. Well let's fix that, shall we?! These PBL Math Projects have been a HIT in my classroom, and I've heard wonderful things from other teachers as well!

These projects are jam-packed with Common Core math tasks to help your students review and apply these critical skills  It's not just any old worksheet, the tasks will really challenge and enrich your students as they apply them to real-world situations. Sound great for some of your high-flyers, but not sure if your on-level and struggling students will be able to keep up? Many pages are differentiated so that your students can still be challenged, but at a level appropriate to them!

Alright, here we go...

Engage your students right off the bat by telling them they're a travel agent who gets to plan a vacation for...a SNOWMAN!! They'll already be excited about the idea - maybe even let them chat a bit with their friends about what the vacation will be like. This really helps them buy into the project you're about to present to them.